Hear what this delighted client has to say about hypnosis
Mel Mutterspaugh, Founder & CEO of The Herbalist's Path

The reason why diets don't work
And how hypnosis addresses the root cause of your weight problems
If you're reading this, you've probably tried dieting in the past and you already know the weight loss doesn't last.
You lose some weight, you feel good, you're excited. Then you slowly go back to your old ways of eating and, before you know it, the extra weight is back... again!
The reason why diet results don't last is because diets only try to fix the symptoms, not the root cause. You eat too much of this or that, therefore you should eat less or none. What diets don't address is your "why". And your "why" is the most important piece of the puzzle.
The real reason you overeat or crave unhealthy foods is because you're trying to suppress your feelings. Food has become your go-to emotional support system. You feel bad, stressed, frustrated - you eat. You had a fight with your partner, you had a bad day at work - you eat. You're going through hormonal changes - you eat. Eating just helps take your mind off things and makes everything feel better. And who can blame you? We've ALL been there.
The problem is that you only feel better for a short time, then you need to eat more to make yourself feel better again. It's a vicious circle and you're stuck in it.
Most of us are emotional eaters, whether we realize it or not, and our feelings determine our actions. Changing the actions (dieting) without changing the feelings can only lead to temporary results. And temporary results keep you stuck on the yo-yo diet rollercoaster.
The Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle is not about dieting. It's not about replacing all the foods you enjoy with vegetables or about being on a restrictive diet for the rest of your life.
It's less about the food you're eating (although it does play a role, of course), and more about what's eating you: your feelings (stress, loneliness, anxiety, boredom, fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough) and your memories of what you heard, saw, or felt as a child that co-created your beliefs about food and your body.
With the help of the Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle you will:
- Understand where and why your weight issues and beliefs started
- Deal with the root cause of your weight issues (your feelings and thoughts)
- Replace your habits and behaviours with new ones
- Rewire your new habits and beliefs on a subconscious level for lasting results
Willpower is overrated. Self-control too.
This Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle is not about dieting or what you eat. It's about what's eating you: your feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

Regression Hypnosis
Regression hypnosis takes you back to where your bad habits and negative beliefs started so you can understand the meaning you gave them, reverse them, and replace them with different habits and beliefs.

Rewiring Hypnosis
During your rewiring hypnosis, you will continue to deepen your new habits and rewire your subconscious mind with the new beliefs, thoughts, and habits that are going to support you going forward.

Parts Therapy Hypnosis
During your parts therapy hypnosis, we will use a hypnosis technique that involves speaking directly with the part(s) of your subconscious mind responsible for the behaviours or beliefs you are trying to change.
Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle
Use coupon code HOLIDAY at checkout to get your discount. Coupon expires on November 23, 2022.
The Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle

How does hypnosis work?
Can anyone be hypnotized?
What are self-hypnosis audios or recordings?
What can I expect while listening to hypnosis audios?
When should I listen to my hypnosis audios and how often?
What is your Return Policy?
Client testimonials
This could be you...

"Iulia is a compassionate and perceptive listener. My hypnosis sessions have proved successful in combating some deep seated issues that I had convinced myself were inaccessible. Her insight has helped me approach situations with a sense of strength and adventure that, at one time, manifested themselves in anxiety. I highly recommend her."

"I have had two hypnosis sessions with Iulia dealing with ‘throat clearing’ issues. It is amazing how in just two sessions I have noticed a huge difference in the impulse to clear my throat. It has diminished greatly. Iulia is a warm, caring and very professional hypnotherapist. I highly recommend her sessions."

"You made my challenge clear and helped me distance myself from it. Just by making me observe instead of staying stuck in the negative feelings. I was able to create distance emotionally to be able to move on."

"Working with you helped me to think outside the box a bit more and pay attention to my thoughts and the ways I have been limiting my growth & potential."
To Recap...
Weight Loss Self-Hypnosis Bundle
Use coupon code HOLIDAY at checkout to get your discount. Coupon expires on November 23 2022.