Are You Ready to Launch Your Business + Make Money as a Coach? 

THE START-UP ACCELERATOR  is the business coaching membership and community that will help you go from "failure to launch" to "finally, I launched". 

Inside our membership, you'll get the latest resources, training, and coaching you need to make a full-time income doing what you love.


JOIN OTHER LIKE-MINDED ENTREPRENEURS today for practical strategies, accountability + group coaching and support every single month.

The Start-Up Accelerator is the help you've been asking for!

What's holding you back from launching your coaching business?

Have you been spending months...

  • Spinning your wheels trying all the things
  • Offering lots of free sessions and hearing crickets when you offer paid sessions
  • Wasting more time and money

If you're like most new coaches, you finished your coaching training only to realize:

  • You don't know how to start an online business (lead magnets, sales funnels, Facebook ads?! OMG!)
  • You don't have thousands of dollars to put toward another business program
  • You can’t afford a premium service like a one-on-one business coach

There is a gap between the high-ticket business programs (that work!) and the “figure it out yourself” approach that gets coaches stuck in self-doubt, overwhelm, and procrastination that eventually sabotages their progress.

This is why The Start-Up Accelerator was born.

For a fraction of the cost high-ticket programs charge, you get the content and support that make any complicated or overwhelming aspects of getting your coaching business off the ground so much easier to understand and manage.

You get the training, coaching, and resources that will accelerate your progress, keep you focused on what matters, and keep you moving forward - step by step.

This is for you...

Whether you’re….

→ Slowly working your way through setting up your first lead magnet

→ Trying to figure out if your niche is "too niche"

→ Focusing on building an email list full of loyal fans

→ Trying to get off the "free sessions" hamster wheel

→ Excited about the small results you’ve seen so far but feeling stuck about what to do next

The Start-Up Accelerator is the place you need to be if you want consistent progress, more clients, and ultimately more money in your bank account.

When you enroll in The Start-Up Accelerator, you’ll get working on things like:

→ Your next quarterly goals

→ Setting up and reviewing the basics: niche, lead magnet, list-building strategies, sales pages that sell, messaging and copy, and more

→ Creating or upgrading your sales funnel and email sequence

→ Understanding your launch strategy options so you can pick what works for you

→ Developing your resilient CEO mindset

The Start-Up Accelerator is not just about helping you maintain your focus on what matters, it’s also about helping you find the path of least resistance to your destination.

Sure, there are many ways you can get there, but why would you choose the most expensive, tedious, or time-consuming way when the Start-Up Accelerator provides you with an easier, faster, and less expensive alternative?


Having a successful coaching business means different things to different people. The Start-Up Accelerator can help you create real results so you can accomplish the goals that matter to you!

Launch and grow your business so you can leave your 9-5

Increase your income & create more abundance in your life

Create more freedom in your life to live the way you want

Increase your prices, earn what you're worth, and stop working for free

Know exactly what to do to hit 5-figure months, and continue to scale your business

Get your dream home, retire your partner, or spend more quality time with loved ones

Here's a SNEAK PEEK of what's included inside

The Start-Up Accelerator


Group Coaching Calls

Calls with Coach Iulia and/or guest experts where you can bring your specific examples of business challenges, ask questions, receive coaching and personalized feedback, and get support with your business goals.


Live Training

Monthly training delivered live via Zoom on a variety of relevant business topics. Topics will be selected based on members' input, and may include: niche clarity, sales funnels, pricing strategies, onboarding clients, business mindset, and more.


Monthly Office Hours and Q&As

Monthly calls to address any other questions you may have about the membership and the topics included in the member portal. This open call can also be used if you need feedback on a specific situation you're dealing with in your business.


Goal and Intention-Setting

Follow a quarterly goal and intention-setting process using a specific framework to help you anticipate and prepare for obstacles, stay on track, and get things done. Accountability check-in at the end of the quarter.


Launch Support and Coaching

Group coaching and support every quarter to help you launch your offer. Launches can be stressful and overwhelming. No wonder some experts refer to this as the "launch free fall". 


Member-Only Online Portal & App

Access a library of business resources, training materials, call replays, and other valuable information to help you with your goals. Listen to call replays on the go via the Kajabi app.

Hi, I'm Iulia Mihai. Nice to meet you!

I know what it feels like to experience challenges and frustration around launching your business.

I had a 9-5 Human Resources leadership job and part-time coaching and hypnotherapy business for years before I was able to fully launch my online coaching business.

I spent tens of thousands of dollars on high-ticket programs promising the elusive online success, only to get even more overwhelmed and confused with all the complicated steps and piles of information and details thrown at me.

After putting myself through the proverbial wringer, I am finally in a place where I know how to:

  • Simplify and eliminate unnecessary steps
  • Focus on the 20/80 that delivers results in my business
  • Embrace the CEO mindset
  • Rinse and repeat what works
  • Create a business that works for me, not the other way around

I am here to help you do the same so you don't waste your money + time being busy, experiencing with trial & error ("let's see if this works"), or doing things simply because you think you should.

Money isn't everything, but why shouldn't you have more money if you're doing all this work? Let's get your business off the ground so you can have the money and freedom you desire + help as many people as you want.

Marilyn D.

This was the missing piece to my online platform! Loved the step-by-step onboarding map, really streamlined my students' experience. The game changer though was having a new resource to get the content into their hands faster. This is magic!

Andrea M.

I was ready to leave my corporate job and be my own boss... But there were so many little details, I felt overwhelmed and kept stalling. I was doubting myself and wondering if I could pull it off. Working with Iulia through this transition was the best thing that could have happened. Everything became clearer, less messy.

Meg K.

I have spent so much time and energy attracting new clients that the thought of effectively onboarding them to my program has been an afterthought. I feel like Iulia has just saved me a TON of energy that I can now use towards helping my clients and she has also prevented me from mistakes within my onboarding process!

Are You Ready to Make Money as a Coach?

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today

Monthly Plan


Most Flexible

  • Bi-weekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly live training
  • Monthly office hours and Q&As
  • Quarterly goal and intention-setting process and accountability
  • Quarterly launch support and coaching
  • Daily access to a member-only online portal and app
  • Cancel prior to your monthly renewal date



6-Month Plan


Most Popular

  • Bi-weekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly live training
  • Monthly office hours and Q&As
  • Quarterly goal and intention-setting process and accountability
  • Quarterly launch support and coaching
  • Daily access to a member-only online portal and app
  • Cancel prior to your 6-month renewal date
  • Save $55

Annual Plan


Best Value

  • Bi-weekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly live training
  • Monthly office hours and Q&As
  • Quarterly goal and intention-setting process and accountability
  • Quarterly launch support and coaching
  • Daily access to a member-only online portal and app
  • Cancel prior to your 12-month renewal date
  • Save $154

Here's a recap of  WHAT YOU GET when you join The Start-Up Accelerator!


Group Coaching Calls

Calls with Iulia and/or guest experts where you can bring your specific examples of business challenges, ask questions, receive coaching and personalized feedback, and get support with your business goals.


Live Training

Monthly training delivered live via Zoom on a variety of relevant business topics. Topics will be selected based on members' input, and may include: niche clarity, sales funnels, pricing strategies, onboarding clients, business mindset, and more.


Monthly Office Hours and Q&As

Monthly calls to address any other questions you may have about the membership and the topics included in the member portal. This open call can also be used if you need feedback on a specific situation you're dealing with in your business.


Goal and Intention-Setting

Follow a quarterly goal and intention-setting process using a specific framework to help you anticipate and prepare for obstacles, stay on track, and get things done. Accountability check-in at the end of the quarter.


Launch Support and Coaching

Group coaching and support every quarter to help you launch your offer. Launches can be stressful and overwhelming. No wonder some experts refer to this as the "launch free fall". 


Member-Only Online Portal & App

Access a library of business resources, training materials, call replays, and other valuable information to help you with your goals. Listen to call replays on the go via the Kajabi app.

Still have questions?

If you have any other questions, let's connect. Don’t let your questions stop you from making a decision today! Contact me below and I'll be happy to address your questions.


It’s your time to have your own successful coaching business!

The Start-Up Accelerator is NOT just another course you sign up for and never finish.

It's a community where we get to interact closely so you get answers to your questions and make real progress on your business goals. It’s practical and grounded in reality. And even though it takes work, it’s worth it - because your dreams are worth it!

You already know your WHY. Let's figure out your WHAT and HOW.


Monthly Plan


Most Flexible

  • Access to everything in the membership
  • Cancel prior to your monthly renewal date



6-Month Plan


Most Popular

  • Access to everything in the membership
  • Cancel prior to your 6-month renewal date
  • Save $55

Annual Plan


Best Value

  • Access to everything in the membership
  • Cancel prior to your 12-month renewal date
  • Save $154

Love What You Do & Make a Full-Time Income Doing What You Love

When you join The Start-Up Accelerator, you’ll have the resources, knowledge, and support you need to transform your life, earn more money + make an impact.
Being an entrepreneur doesn't have to be a lonely experience when you choose our community.