Have you been avoiding niching down because you don't know how and you're afraid you'll get fewer clients?

No problem, I've got your solution. 

The Niche Advantage

guide will help you confidently niche down so you stop doubting yourself and start getting more right-fit clients.


The one degree difference 

Choosing the wrong niche is like going on a sailing trip and setting your compass just one degree off course. You might not notice it at first, and you may even enjoy the novelty, but as you continue in that direction, the distance between where you REALLY wanted to be and where you're ACTUALLY headed will grow further and further apart. Eventually, you'll find yourself in a completely different place than you ever intended to be. Now what?

How much time, money and effort are you willing to invest in trying to get back to where you INITIALLY wanted to be?

Why you need this more than you think

Every single new coach and content creator gets super excited to start their business, share their amazing expertise, and start helping others transform. And then... they GET STUCK!

🤔 Should I niche down?

🤔 How do I pick my niche?

🤔 Can I have more than one niche?

🤔 Is there room for more experts in my niche?

🤔 Why can't I just help everyone?

So many thoughts! And the more thoughts and questions they have, the more overwhelmed and stuck they become. But here's what I know for sure.

The only way to move forward with clarity and confidence, so you're not constantly second-guessing yourself, is to keep it simple and specific. 

This is where The Niche Advantage comes in to save you time, money and effort - so you don't end up one degree off course later on because you were afraid to make a decision.

This guide and workbook combo will help you get laser-focused and specific so you can pick a niche that feels right and brings in great clients.

I am on a mission to make your niche clarity and confidence the easiest thing you'll ever have to deal with. This is why I took what I learned from the best 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs, tested it, and simplified it so you can get this done in hours, instead of getting stuck for months like others do.  

Let's get you from "I have no idea what to do about my niche" to "It was so easy to nail my niche".

What The Niche Advantage includes

I have intentionally removed any unnecessary information ("fluffy fillers") that doesn't add value, and simplified the steps you will go through so you can nail your niche faster and easier. Here is what's included.

đź’ˇ 100+ niche ideas in the "Big Three" areas to inspire you to what's possible

đź’ˇ How to niche down from everything to "your thing"

đź’ˇ The 4-step roadmap to pick your niche and build SME (Subject Matter Expert) credibility

đź’ˇ The questions that will help you identify your niche

đź’ˇ Typical niche problems and mistakes to avoid

đź’ˇ Examples of how you can use ChatGPT to help you with your niche

đź’ˇ A simple but highly effective fill-in-the-gaps niche formula that speaks to who you help and how

đź’ˇ How to test your niche with your audience

Once purchased, you'll get immediate access to these materials, and they will be yours to keep forever. This 20-page guide and workbook combo is packed with everything you need and nothing you don't.



Too good to be true? No, I'm just being good to you.

  • Access to my comprehensive 20-page guide and workbook that will give you the insider tips and tricks you need to nail your niche today
  • A step-by-step framework and prompts to help you choose your niche
  • An easy to use formula that will help you articulate and quickly remember who you help, how and what the transformation is, so you can always communicate this succinctly and with ease
  • Examples of how ChatGPT can be utilized to help with your niche

A no-brainer offer to help you capitalize on your expertise & become the go-to authority in your field. 


Raving client testimonials... Will you be next?


"This is a steal! It will give you the edge you need to stand out from the competition - don't miss out!"


"I wasn't sure I needed this but I thought why not? I was so surprised how much value I got out of it. Get it, seriously!"


"I loved how easy and clear this was. I used it to clarify my niche and I've now been using it with some of my clients. It's super, super helpful."

Hi, I'm Iulia. Welcome!

Certified Coach | People Strategist | Mindset Geek

You and I have more in common than you might think.

We're both driven to unleash our inner greatness and live life to the fullest.

Whether you're juggling multiple roles as a parent, partner, sibling, friend, or pet parent, there's always a part of you that craves more.

As your life and business coach, I'm here to help you identify that one area of your life where you're feeling stuck and provide the guidance and support you need to take action. Think of me as your personal cheerleader, accountability partner, and strategic coach, all rolled into one.

Together, we'll tackle those limiting beliefs and unlock your inner badass, whether you're looking to start and grow your online coaching business, or elevate your personal life.

After all, life is too short to play it safe and stay within the lines. So, let's colour outside the box and create the life you truly deserve!



For under $15 you've got literally nothing to lose.

đź’ˇ 100+ niche ideas in the "Big Three" areas

đź’ˇ How to niche down from everything to "your thing"

đź’ˇ The 4-step roadmap to pick your niche and build SME (Subject Matter Expert) credibility

đź’ˇ The questions that will help you confidently identify your niche

đź’ˇ Typical niche problems and mistakes to avoid

đź’ˇ How to use ChatGPT to help you with your niche

đź’ˇ A simple but highly effective fill-in-the-gaps niche formula that speaks to who you help and how

đź’ˇ How to test your niche with your audience


Grab Your Niche Advantage 

Say bye-bye to feeling stuck in niche confusion and indecision, and say hello to niche clarity and confidence!